What's Going On?
July 12, 2007
By the end of October this year, Jamie will have a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration!
It seems like it's taken a very long time- and I'm really anxious to have it all over and done with- but I'm still pretty
proud of myself. Any younger individuals to happen to read this: GO TO SCHOOL EARLY! Trust me, you don't want to be doing
it when you're almost 30 years old, working, and have a husband/wife and child. I managed to do it, but wished I would have
done it sooner in life!
Josh continues to enjoy his work at Kingston. He has been thinking about going back to school
when Jamie is done... he is not sure which field to pursue.
JOCELYN is FOUR- and will be 5 in only a few month! I can't believe how big she's gotten,
and some of the things she says are pretty interesting coming out of a toddler's mouth. My two favorite: when she keeps getting
out of bed after bedtime, she informs us that she has "short term membery loss" and can't remember to stay in bed! The other
day, when my mom asked her to dust the hallway and offered her a dollar,a dollar wasn't good enough. Mom said 4 quarters...
and jossy says "how about 4 quarters and 11 dollars?!"- In the end, the negotiations ended at $1.50, but apparantly my daughter
charges high to clean!
Otherwise, we have all been healthy and happy, doing some fun things, and (now) updating our
website so that everyone can see what we've been up to!
Jamie, Josh, and Jocelyn